- 患者様
- 38歳 男性
- 診察結果
- 叢生および過蓋咬合を伴う歯列不正(Crowding and Deep bite)
- 治療内容
- 歯列矯正治療、う蝕治療(Braces and Decayed teeth treatment)
- 治療完了日と治療期間
- 2022年9月7日・1年5ヶ月(1 year and 5 months)
- 総治療費
- 約90万円・税込(About 900,000 JPY including tax)
- 治療後のメンテナンス
- 3ヶ月に1回の通院によるかみ合わせや歯周病の進行状態のチェック(Checkup, Bite adjustment and Cleaning 1 time per 3 months)
- その他
- 歯間ブラシによる保定部位の歯周病ケアを指導(Teeth contact area cleaning with floss or pick)
He came to our clinic to consult about orthodontic treatment. There was moderate crowding and deep bite in his mouth. Crowding causes difficulty to clean teeth completely and deep bite increase the risk to lose the teeth with excessive loads on the back teeth.
- 成人歯科矯正治療を希望
- 非抜歯で歯科矯正治療ができるのか知りたい
- Want to straighten the teeth
Decayed teeth filling was needed before orthodontic treatment. Periodontal tissue (gum and bone around teeth) had no problem because he was good at teeth cleaning.
We diagnosed no need to get surgical correction and teeth extraction on his dental models and the 3 dimensional CT examination. We consider that multi brackets (Braces) with GUMMETAL wire was the best treatment plan for him.
- ゴムメタルによる非抜歯矯正治療が可能な状態
- 当院では小臼歯抜歯をせずに歯科矯正治療できる事が多い(89%)
- Multi brackets (Braces) with GUMMETAL wire decrease extraction case and shorten the braces term.
- 89% adult patients has gotten orthodontic treatment without teeth extraction in our clinic.
Scheduled treatment term was about 1 year.
Setting zirconium brackets after decayed teeth filling. Zirconium brackets are strong and esthetic, so reduce troubles like detachment, damage and discoloration.
3 months for leveling (to solve crowding).
Treatment term was 1 year and 5 months because the upper left molar got infected lesion during en bloc movement with GUMMETAL wire.
- ジルコニアブラケットは強度と審美性が高く、矯正中のトラブルを低減できる
- 矯正治療に起因する物でなくとも、矯正治療中にう蝕や根管治療が必要になることがある
- ゴムメタルは歯牙の一括移動が可能で臼歯部の移動や治療期間短縮に有利
- GUMMETAL wire is very effective material for back teeth movement.
- Zirconium bracket can avoid detachment, damage and discoloration.
Final zirconium crown was set 5 months after orthodontic treatment finished. We keep check up and bite adjustment.
Side effects of orthodontic treatment are pain, discomfort, difficulty of eating and pronounce. These side effects vary from person to person. Each orthodontic appliances have merits and demerits, and the best appliance depends on the condition of each person. We can provide each treatment plan after various examination.
This is one of the case example, so you need examination to get your original treatment plan. When you want to know about appointment for examination, please feel free to contact us from WhatsApp or Free call(0120-468-296).